Contact Us
If English is not your first language then we have team members who are able to speak with you in:
Te Reo Māori: E kōrero ana tā mātou rōia i te reo Māori. Ahakoa he momo pātai ture, whakapā mai ki te tīma. Tukua te karere ki raro.
Cantonese: 如果粵語是您的母語,Saunders Robinson Brown 的團隊成員能夠協助你基本租賃、商業銷售/物業購買的事宜。
Korean: 한국어가 편하시다면 전화 또는 이메일을 통해 한국어로 법률 상담을 도와드릴 수 있는 팀 멤버들이 있습니다.
Christchurch Office
Parking – available at the Avon River end of the carpark
Click here for location directions
SRB House
128 Kilmore Street
Christchurch 8013
PO Box 39
Christchurch 8140
DX WX11166
New Zealand
Rangiora Office
Parking - available on Durham St or the car-park opposite the SRB office
Click here for location directions
8 Durham Street
Rangiora 7440
PO Box 166
Rangiora 7440
DX WP29503
New Zealand